The Marie Curie Innovative Training Network – *RADIATE is hosting the above meeting to raise awareness of the importance of Radiotherapy in the treatment of cancer.
The revival of an old cancer therapy. Radiotherapy was first used at the end of the 19th century when radiation properties had just been discovered. In the 21st century, half of the patients with cancer receive treatment using radiation. These last decades have been marked by the tremendous progress in the understanding of the biology of tumors and their interactions with the host immune system and metabolome. The design of new therapies, combining radiotherapy with chemotherapy and targeted therapies, have shown major improvement in patient survival, but there are still unacceptable failures and long term adverse effects. Integrating knowledge of radiation effects with the biology of tumors and their environment is a priority in addressing resistance to treatment and toxicity on healthy tissues.
This meeting is part of Outreach activities by the RADIATE-ITN and is aimed particularly at young researchers. With talks by leading international investigators and poster sessions dedicated to research in the field of radiation biology and oncology, this promises to be a highly interactive and informative meeting.
The topics of interest include the Tumour Microenvironment; DNA Repair; Immune Response; Innovative Therapies.